Artificial intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence displayed by machines in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. The research of artificial intelligence in computer science is considered the study of "smarter agents". A smart agent is any plant that tries to achieve its goal by observing its environment. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence/smartness" applies when a machine mimics the "cognitive" actions of humans. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define artificial intelligence as "a system's ability to correctly interpret external data, learn from such data, and use those learnings to accomplish specific goals and tasks through convenient transformations". define in. It combines tasks with "learning" and "troubleshooting".
Artificial intelligence (pragyakalpa, artificial intelligence, kritakadhi) means the intelligence devoted to the computer. Humans also want to do the work of thinking-analysis and remembering in place of their mind with a machine computer.
Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that develops machines and software with intelligence. In 1955, John McCarthy named it artificial intelligence and defined it as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". The goals of artificial intelligence research include reasoning, knowledge planning, learning, perception and the ability to manipulate objects, etc. Currently, statistical methods, computational intelligence and traditional intelligence are involved in reaching this goal. Artificial intelligence claims that a central property of human intelligence can be simulated by a machine. There were questions raised about the morality of the making of the beings of philosophical issues. But today, it has become the most important and essential part of the technology industry.
The scope of artificial intelligence (AI) is disputed: as machines are becoming increasingly capable, tasks that previously required intelligence no longer fall within the realm of "artificial intelligence". For example, machines are now so capable of recognizing written words, that it is no longer considered intelligent.
These days, the tasks that come within the realm of AI are to understand human speech, even more than humans who specialize in the game of chess or "Go", driving a vehicle without human support.
Scientists started studying artificial intelligence in the year 1956. Its history consisted of waves of optimism, then disappointment from failure, and then new methods that rekindled hope. For much of its history, AI research has been divided into sub-fields that often interact with each other. fail to do. These subfields are based on technical considerations, such as particular goals (such as "robotics" or "machine learning"), specialized tools ("logic" or "neural networks"), or deep elemental differences. Subfields are also based on social factors (such as the work of private institutions or private researchers).
Traditional problems (or goals) of AI research include reasoning, knowledge representation, planning, learning, language understanding, perception, and the ability to manipulate objects. Human-like intelligence is one of the field's long-term goals. To solve this problem, scientists have used statistical methods, and traditional "symbolic" methods. For AI science have gone the fields of computer science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, metaphysics and many others.
This scientific field was founded on the assumption that human intelligence "can be described so accurately that a machine can be made to imitate it". It raises questions about the nature of the mind and the ethics of creating artificial beings with human-like intelligence, which have been explored by legend since ancient times. Some consider artificial intelligence (AI) to be a threat to humanity if it progresses unnecessarily. Others believe that AI, unlike previous technological revolutions, will threaten mass unemployment.
The study of mechanical or "formal" logic began in antiquity with mathematicians. The study of mathematical logic led to the "computer theory" of "Alan Turing" (who was a computer scientist). This principle states that the machine can perform any conceivable calculation by manipulating simple symbols such as "0" and "1". He also says that today's ordinary computers are such machines. The vision, that computers can simulate any process of formal logic, is known as the Church–Turing thesis. Discoveries in neurobiology, the science of information, and cybernetics prompted researchers to consider the possibility of creating an electronic brain. Turing (a computer scientist) proposed that "if a human cannot differentiate between responses from a machine and a human, then the machine can be considered "intelligent as a human". The first work commonly referred to as AI Identified in 1943 was the formal design of "McCulchuch" and "Pitts" for "Turing-complete" "artificial neurons". A "Turing-complete" machine can compute any conceivable ggggg.
father of artificial intelligence
After many researches, the person who eventually laid the foundation of Artificial intelligence was the father of AI, John McCarthy, an American scientist. He organized a conference "The Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence" in 1956 for further development in the field of AI. In which all those people who are interested in machine intelligence could participate. The purpose of this conference was to attract the talent and expertise of interested people to assist McCarthy in this work.
In later years the AI Research Center was formed at Carnegie Mellon University as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Along with this, AI also had to face many challenges. The first challenge he faced was to create a system that could efficiently solve a problem with very little research. The second challenge is to build a system that can learn a task on its own. The first breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence came when a novel program called General Problem Solver (G.P.S) was created by Newell and Simon in 1957.
It was an extension of Wiener's feedback theory. Through this, more and more common sense problems could be solved. The LISP language was created by John McCarthy in 1958 in AI History. It was soon adopted by many AI researchers and is still in use today.
AI goals
As we know, AI is the most powerful and fastest growing technology in the whole world. AI is a type of artificial consciousness that works on the instructions of human beings. Even though Artificial intelligence has been developed by humans, but there is no doubt that AI works more efficient, better and less expensive than humans. That is why AI is now being used in the field of many business industries.
AI has come to some extent in our everyday life, but the day is not far when we will start using this technology completely. So it is true that AI has a very bright future all over the world. In the future, most of the work and many areas will be dependent on AI. Along with this, speculations are also being made that it can have a very bad effect on the lives of humans. So let us now tell you some of the goals of AI, by achieving which this AI technology will reach us soon.
Increase decision making power: The first goal of AI is to make a thinking machine that thinks like humans. Who can solve any human problem by taking the decision by himself. AI has also made some achievements in this direction. Recently a female AI Robot (Sophia) was created. It has some degree of decision making power and can easily answer any of your questions. You will also get to see some such AI concepts in smart devices like Google home, Siri, Alexa etc.
Efficiency in work: We humans are very lazy in doing any work, due to which we spend a lot of time in completing our tasks and they also have more mistakes. In view of this habit of humans, AI researches are working very fast in this direction. Their basic objective is to make AI such that it can do any task faster with minimum mistakes.
Time-saving: Obviously, AI can work much faster than humans. Because it is a kind of machine, so it never gets tired of working and never takes a break like us. In view of this topic, many such AI machines are being made, which will soon replace humans.
Types of Artificial Intelligence
In this era of technology, Artificial intelligence has started dominating in all industries and many fields. The biggest reason for this is that the machine works more effectively than the human. So the day is not far when robots will dominate our world like any Hollywood movies. AI or what we also call machine learning, it is divided into three main parts.
There are three types of artificial intelligence
What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)?
These Artificial Intelligence systems are designed to solve a single problem and will be able to execute a single task really well. By definition, they have narrow capabilities, such as crawling a webpage, recommending a product to an e-commerce user or forecasting the weather, etc. This is the only type of Artificial Intelligence that still exists today.
What is Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)?
AGI is still a theoretical concept. It is defined as AI, which has a human-level cognitive function in a variety of domains such as language processing, image processing, computational functioning and reasoning etc.
What is Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)?
We are almost entering science-fiction territory here, but ASI is seen as a logical progression from AGI. An Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI) system would be capable of surpassing all human capabilities. This will include things like decision making, rational decision making and even better art and building emotional relationships.
Type 2 (Based on functionalities)
Reactive Machines
One of the most basic forms of AI, it has no prior memory and does not use past information for future actions. It is one of the oldest forms of AI, but it has limited capability. It does not have any memory-based functionality. They can automatically respond to a limited set of inputs. This type of AI cannot be trusted to improve its operations based on memory. A popular example of a reactive AI machine is IBM's Deep Blue, the machine that defeated Grandmaster Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997.
Limited Memory
AI systems that can use experience to influence future decisions are known as limited memory. Almost all AI applications fall in this category. AI systems are trained with the help of large amounts of data that are stored in their memory as a reference for future problems.
Let's take the example of image recognition. AI is trained to teach with the help of thousands of pictures and their labels. Now, when the image is scanned, it will use the training images as a reference and understand the content of the presented image based on “learning experience”.
Theory of mind
This type of AI is just a concept and will need some improvement before it can be completed. It is currently being researched and will be used to better understand people's feelings, needs, beliefs and thoughts. Artificial Emotional Intelligence is a budding industry and area of interest but reaching this level will require time and effort.
This type of AI also does not exist yet, but if achieved it will be one of the biggest milestones achieved in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It can be considered as the last stage of development and exists only hypothetically.
What are the benefits of Artificial Intelligence
There is no doubt in the fact that technology has made our lives better. From music recommendations, map directions, mobile banking to fraud prevention, AI and other technology has taken over. There is a fine line between progress and destruction. There are always two sides to a coin, and so is the case with AI. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of Artificial Intelligence:
Reduction in human error
In artificial intelligence model, all decisions are taken from the already collected information after implementing a certain set of algorithms. Hence, errors are reduced and the chances of accuracy are increased. In the case of human beings doing any work, there is always a chance of error. Because we are not operated by any algorithms and programs and as such, AI can be used to avoid such human errors.
Available 24×7
Humans work 6-8 hours a day on an average, AI manages the machines to work 24×7 without any pause or boredom. As humans do not have the capacity to work for long hours, our body needs rest. The AI powered system does not require any breaks in between and is used for tasks that require 24/7 concentration.
Digital assistance
Many highly advanced organizations use digital assistants to interact with users in order to save human resources. These digital assistants are also used in many websites to answer user queries and provide a smooth functioning. A great example of this is Chatbot.
Improves Security
With the advancement in technology, it is being used for wrong reasons like fraud and identity theft. But if used properly, AI can be very helpful in maintaining our security. One major area where we can already see the implementation of AI in security is Cybersecurity.
Efficient Communication
If we look at the life of a few years ago, people who did not speak the same language could not talk to each other without a human translator who could understand and speak both languages. With the help of AI, such problem no longer exists. Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows the system to translate from one language to another. Google translate has advanced significantly and even provides an audio example of how a word or sentence should be pronounced in another language.
What are the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence
Cost overruns
What separates AI from general software development is the scale on which they operate. As a result of this scale, the required computing resources will increase rapidly, increasing the cost of operation.
Highly dependent on machines
Most people are already heavily dependent on applications like Siri and Alexa. By constantly getting help from machines and applications, we are losing our ability to think creatively.
No Replicating Humans
Intelligence is considered a gift of nature. Machines have no emotions and moral values. They do what is programmed and cannot decide right or wrong. They cannot take decisions even if they are faced with an unfamiliar situation. They either perform incorrectly or break down in such situations.
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