What is Antivirus? Technology Gyan

What is Antivirus

You must have kept many memories and personal data stored in your computer. Personal data such as Images, Videos, Movies, Mp3 files as well as some personal documents are also “PDF Files, Scanned Files, Certificate”. But due to your carelessness, computer viruses enter your computer from the Internet and some other sources like pen drive. What happens after this, you must know very well. All the data you had stored in your computer also disappears or the file becomes corrupt.

When this incident happens to you, you remember only if I had installed Antivirus in my system, then I do not have to see this day. So friends, I hope this incident has not happened to you till now, so today I will tell you the solution of all these problems in this article, what is Antivirus. so let's start

what is antivirus

Antivirus This is a program (code). You can also say that this is such a software that finds all the hidden virus programs in the computer and deletes it from the computer. It can also be said that it acts like a Safeguard for the computer, which protects against malware like Computer Worms, Trojan Horse.

Antivirus also protects the computer from Spyware and Adware. Detect and delete all these programs from your computer. Something shortens your files, makes files disappear, which slows down the computer.

I mean to say, this good software removes all those programs which are harmful for your computer. Now you are wondering whether a program is a virus, yes a virus is also a program. Only one person is the creator of these two. Example:- Avira, Avast, AVG Kaspersky. So now let's know how this works.

How antivirus software works in computer

First of all let's explain it in simple language. I would like to explain its work in simple language as everyone can understand. Antivirus already contains Signature or Virus Definition Files of many Viruses. These are all Robust files, these files contain a list of malware (Computer Virus) and their related information. To understand this, Virus Definition has to be understood.

Virus Definition

Antivirus cannot identify/identify malware without virus definition. That's why Virus Definition has to be updated. Because Virus Signature resides inside Malware Defination. The names of the malware that are already in the Internet and their related information are kept in this definition.

Whenever a file is infected with malware or if any malware is detected during the scan, then Antivirus first checks whether it is similar with Virus definition or not. Virus definition Some malware properties and programs like that remain. Therefore it is also necessary that the Antivirus company should always update the Virus Definition.

First of all, this software scans all the files present inside the computers. Whenever a file matches with Signature or Virus Definition Files. At the same time it repairs or deletes that file. By the way, whatever action you take, that works only on that. When the computer Virus Program enters inside the computer, it starts working with the computer files upside down.

With this behavior, it is known that there is something wrong inside the file computer. Immediately it starts taking action on him. Now let's understand in a little technical way how Virus is detected in computer.

How Antivirus Detects Malware

The most difficult thing is that there is 500-1000 GB of DATA in the whole system. And to find the virus out of it, then let us know in what ways it detects.

1 Signature-Based Detection

This is one of the oldest way, to find out computer virus. In which all the .exe files in the computer have to be matched with Virus Definition Files or matched with other malware types. Whenever an unknown file is recognized, then action is taken on it.

In this Signature based technique all the programs are scanned. If an application is downloaded in this technique, then the software is first scanned. After that it is installed. That's why it is advised that whenever you download any software, then scan it beforehand. Because once your system gets infected, it becomes difficult to remove it.

2 Heuristic-Based Detection

This technique is used together with Signature based detection. Heuristic technique is used in all the antivirus of today. Even if there is no virus definition file, with the help of this technology, new and old viruses can easily be found and removed. There is no need to have the latest virus definition for this.

In heuristic, it runs a suspicious code or application in a virtual environment and it knows which program is trying to effect this application. In this way other real software can also be saved.

3 Behavioral-based detection

This is also a special detection method to find the virus. Which is also called Intrusion Detection Mechanism. Its specialty is that it detects the behavior of malware. It detects malware only when it tries to reduce other files to currupt or any reverse side. But this feature is not a mechanism in the second detection.

4 Sandbox Detection

It works almost only on Behavioral based detection mechanism. In this mechanism, a program is run in a virtual environment. Now in this process the behavior of the program is identified. If anti virus finds that this program is malicious then action is taken on it.

5 Data Mining Techniques

This is the latest trending technology of today's time. In which there are features of some special programs. It is ascertained whether the program is malicious or not by the data mining technique.

Why is it important to update antivirus

Every day new viruses are being created, some people also say this. The company that makes Anti Virus also makes Virus. But that is why it is very important for you to update everyday to avoid the attack of new virus. The update will also store the latest definition files and it will be easier to identify and block the new virus.

Features Of Antivirus

1 Background Scanning

Even when you keep doing some files, applications and online in the system, it keeps scanning all your files. This is called Background Scanning. This gives your computer Real Time Protection and Safeguard. No malware can attack on your system.

2 Full System Scans

By the way, the need to do full scan is not so much. If you are installing a new Antivirus in your system for the first time, then you need to do a full scan once. This will remove all the hidden computer malware in your system means computer. After this, the background scan continues automatically. And in between, your laptop should be fully scanned.

Benefits of having Antivirus in Computer

There is no question that does it have any benefits? Yes, in the present times, so much malware attack is happening in the Internet. Therefore, you must use either the free one or the paid one.

  1. First of all, it keeps all your data safe.
  2. No one can steal your data from the Internet from the computer.
  3. You can download any software without hesitation.
  4. Before any computer virus damages your computer, it does its own thing on it.
  5. If paid, then all your online transactions will also be safe.
  6. This will save you money because with the money that malware will damage, you will buy two or three Antivirus.
  7. Your System Will Never Hang or Slow
  8. System Software and Application Software will run very smooth.
  9. Processing speed will increase and there will never be a system crash.
  10. The chances of getting a Hard Disk Corrupt is also less.
