You all might be using the Internet, but do you know what this dark web is? If not, then today's article is going to be very informative for you. In today's time, all our activities whether it is buying some things online or talking to someone, we have to depend on the internet for all the information.
In such a situation, you may feel that you know everything about the web world, and perhaps you have also explored practically everything on the internet. But you might be shocked to know that we know only 4% about the Internet.
Yes Google, Yahoo or any other search engine all cover only up to 4% of the whole web world. And on the other hand, we really do not know anything about the web of the rest 96% and it is beyond the reach of a common person.
what is dark net
Dark Web is called that part of the Internet that is not indexed by Search Engines. In this way, the Dark Web is a part of the Deep Web. According to researchers, only 4% of the Internet is visible to the general public and is called the Surface Web.
This also means that the remaining 96% of the internet is made up of this "The Deep Web or Dark Web".
These are websites in the dark web that are not visible to the public, because their IP address details have been deliberately kept hidden. Whereas such websites can be seen using the right tools, but it is impossible to find their server details. At the same time, it is equally difficult to track them completely.
You can use many anonymity tools to access the Dark Web. In which some popular tools are Tor and I2P. This dark web is very popular for both black market and people with user protection, so they have both positive and negative aspects.
What are DarkNet Markets?
Those industries which operate in these dark web only are called darknet markets. Many illegal products also have black market, while porn, child trafficking, government secrets, defense secrets etc. Here all those actions take place which are opposed by governments and law enforcement agencies.
Whereas here you can also buy credit card numbers, all kinds of drugs, guns, stolen money, stolen subscription credentials, all hacked Netflix accounts and software that can help you hack someone's computer system.
How does the Dark Web work?
The working style of this dark web is completely different as compared to our usual websites. You cannot access these dark websites with the help of these normal web browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari etc.
To visit them, you have to use a special web browser called Tor. Only with this browser you can open dark web websites in your system. At the same time, the extensions of dark websites are also very different. For example, .onion, which is a highly encrypted domain name, is used for these dark websites.
Now maybe you will also be very excited to go to this dark web. And why is it not so exciting.
By the way, entering it is not that easy, that you just login and enter this dark web. At the same time, you have to follow some things to enter it. Let us know about them.
1. First of all, you will need a secured VPN service that protects your identity from others. Because this side of the web is not that much secure and many hackers are always roaming in these parts of the dark web.
Therefore, to keep yourself and your data secure, a secure VPN service should be used. For example, if you want, you can use Nord VPN, Strong VPN, HideMyIP, Cactus VPN, Kepard VPN and HideIPVPN.
2. On the other hand, you have to download Tor Web Browser so that you can login safely and securely in the dark web.
Note: Always download Tor Web Browser from official websites only, because you can find many duplicate web browsers in the internet, which can become a problem for you later.
3. Once you have installed the Tor web browser securely, then you should close all the apps and programs so that you can easily crawl in the dark web.
If you want to search dark websites, you can use the GRAM search engine. It is very similar to Google and it is specially designed for dark web.
Can browsing the dark web be dangerous? how?
Truly browsing the Dark Web can be very dangerous, if you have not paid attention to some things. So let's know about those whom you can keep away from these problems by keeping yourself away.
Some websites can infect your devices with viruses, and many different types of viruses are present in the dark web. So remember that do not download anything from such websites which you do not trust.
You should stay away from these hackers. Because they can easily hack your devices. There are many such hacker forums in the Dark Web where you can hire these computer hackers, to do many illigal activities. Then remember that someone can easily hack your systems too.
Webcam Hijacking
There are also websites in the dark web that will prompt a remote administration tool — also known as a “RAT” — to install it on your device. This will mean that they can easily hijack your webcam. They can then keep track of all your activities through the camera lens.
Why do Deep Web and Dark Web exist?
Both deep web and dark web offer privacy and anonymity.
This deep web helps in protecting your personal information that you want to remain private.
For example, when you access your bank account, it is not completely private. Here the bank knows that you have accessed your account.
Whereas the dark web operates with complete anonymity. Whatever work you do, it is your business. Nobody seems to know anything. If you take a few precautions then you cannot be tracked or traced at all.
For some people, privacy is a huge concern on the internet. They need control over all their personal information that standard internet service providers and websites often collect from us.
Freedom of speech is also an issue, and some people will argue about this privacy and anonymity. This is the reason that law-abiding citizens pay more attention to the privacy of Tor Browser.
Anonymity has its own positive effects - such as being able to express your views very easily which may be unpopular, but not illegal. And the dark web also helps in making such things possible.
What are DarkNet Markets?
Any illegally made product and such industries which run their business through dark web is called dark net market.
This type of business is done with the permission and information of the government, which is called completely illegal and it is used in a very secretive way in which deals like porn, child trafficing and drugs are done.
Benefits of dark web
Dark Web is a name that very few people know about it, but what we know about the Dark Web, we know about some of its benefits.
Dark web can be used from any corner of the world, here your identity is always hidden.
If in a country there is no freedom for citizens to say or hear something, then we can use the dark web where we have complete freedom to reach our voice to the world.
Any citizen can use it, irrespective of the country.
You can store any information or website by hiding it from the Internet which no one can track.
Disadvantages of dark web
As you know that everything has its advantages and disadvantages as well, so know the disadvantages of dark web.
Most of the work here is done illegally.
A very large number of hackers are present in the dark web, due to which the chances of your computer or laptop being hacked increases.
Here you do not get a company like Windows and Google to provide you security, whatever you do, you do it at your own risk.
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