What is NLP technology ? Technology Gyan

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a technique used to help computers understand the natural language of humans.

It is not an easy task to understand how we communicate.

Leand Romaffe, a veteran software engineer passionate about teaching people how artificial intelligence systems work, says that "in recent years, there have been significant breakthroughs in empowering computers to understand language. Huh."

What is Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Natural Language Processing, commonly shortened as (NLP), is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and humans using natural language.

(NLP) is the way to read, understand, explain and create human languages.

Most (NLP) techniques rely on machine learning to extract meaning from human languages.

For example, Google Assistant, which is made from NLP Technique. 

What is Natural Language Processing?

definition of natural language processing

Natural Language Processing (Natural Language Processing) is that part of computer science and artificial intelligence, within which research is done on how to reconcile humans and computers.

It refers to the ability of a computer to understand human language.

Under this, the human language is automatically understood by the computer with the help of some software.

Research in this area has been going on for the last 50 years. As computers developed, more in-depth study began here.

Example: If you open a website, there is an option of an online assistant working automatically on a website. It works on the basis of natural language processing process.

Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence

According to the modern point of view, NLP works on the basis of Deep Learning which is based on AI. Here different data patterns are used to understand a program.

The data collected under this response is prepared to be identified according to relevant correlations.

Earlier the NLP response used a role-based approach, taking a machine learning model. Many words and phrases were explained to the machine-based algorithm. The machine was then trained to give a specific response if a user used those words.

In NLP's deep learning feedback algorithms are trained to recognize user intentions based on examples. This response has an easy-to-use and intuitive approach.

Importance of natural language processing

NLP is used to analyze human language by which machines can understand human language.

Due to the establishment of a conversational situation between humans and computers, many things have been benefited such as Automatic Text Summarization, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Analysis, Relationship Extraction, Entity of Names. Identity etc.

Apart from this, they are also used in text mining reaction, machine translation, question-and-answer session automatically.

examples of natural language processing

Enterprise search

Much of the research in NLP is based on what a customer is trying to search for. Under this, the questions of the customers are collected which they would ask while buying something from a shopkeeper. The machine is then prepared to answer accordingly.

Archiving important files sequentially

NLP plays an important role in interpreting a record correctly and analyzing it correctly. Many institutions keep a lot of data in the form of text files, such as a cataloged record of patients and their doctors in a hospital. With the help of NLP, any data can be searched according to the need.

Sentiment Analysis

Under this, data researchers analyze comments made on social media and conclude how a business's brand is performing.

The algorithm of Google and other search engines works only on the basis of NLP. Its algorithms read the data on the web page, analyze its meaning and then translate it into other languages.

What is (NLP) used for?

  • Natural Language Processing is used in all these applications:
  • In Google Translate, we can translate any language in our language.
  • Word processors like Microsoft Word and grammarly which are used to check the grammar of articles.
  • Interactive voice response (IVR) is used in call centers to answer the questions of some customers.
  • Personal assistant apps like Ok Google, Siri, Cortana and Alexa etc.

How does Natural Language Processing work?

NLP emphasizes applying algorithms to recognize and understand natural language rules so that unstructured language data is converted into a form that computers can understand.

When the article is given, the computer will use algorithms to extract the meaning associated with each sentence and collect the necessary data from them.

Sometimes, the computer may fail to understand the meaning of a sentence well, leading to ambiguous results.

What are the techniques used in (NLP)?

Syntax analysis and semantic analysis are the important techniques used in NLP.


Syntax means the arrangement of words which makes sentence with the rules of grammar.

Syntatic Analysis is used in NLP to assess how Natural Language aligns with Grammatical Rules.

Computer algorithms are used to apply to the group of Grammatical Rules and get the meaning from them.

Following are some of the Syntax Techniques:

  1. Lemmatization : It gives on reducing multiple meanings of a word for easy analysis.
  2. Morphological Segment: In this words are divided into different units.
  3. Word Segmentation: It involves dividing continuous text into different units.
  4. Part To Speech Tagging: It involves identifying Part Of Speech for each word.
  5. Parsing: It involves doing Grammatical Analysis for the given sentence.
  6. Sentence Breaking: It involves putting sentence boundaries meaning fullstop on a large piece of text.
  7. Stemming: This involves cutting words into their original forms.

2. Semantics

Semantics refers to the meaning that is carried by a text.

Semantic Analysis This is one of the difficult aspects of Natural Language Processing. which has not yet been fully resolved.

Here are some techniques of Semantics:

Named entity recognition (NER): It involves determining the parts of a text that can be recognized and classified into predetermined groups. Examples of such groups include the names of people and the names of places.

Breaking word perception: It involves giving meaning to a word based on the context.

Natural language generation: It involves using databases to obtain semantic intentions and convert them into human language.

A revolution is happening in Artificial Intelligence from NLP. This will help the machines to understand and speak the language of humans.


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