What is software? Technology Gyan

 What is software, its types and how to make it?

There is probably no need to tell you what software is; Because anyone who uses a smartphone or computer is already aware of this word. It was a few years ago when humans became acquainted with computers, at that time you would probably be a small child.

But after the advent of the computer, our life completely changed. We have become so lazy that we are doing more work through computer or mobile. It is not our fault in this because our life has become easier with this computer.

By the way, if a computer is seen, it is just an electronic device that can perform many operations simultaneously. For example, this is a lot of computation at a very high speed, which hardly any ordinary machine or our human brain can ever do.

It is made up of many physical and tangible components that we can touch and feel, they are called hardware and the programs and commands that drive these hardware are called software. is called.

The one you are reading this article of mine today is also reading from a software, whose name is Web Browser which is an application software. Just as our body has hands, feet, nose, ears, eyes, along with it kindness, maya, love, pain are also inside us.

Similarly, a computer is made up of two things, one hardware and the other software. Hands, feet, nose, ears, eyes are the hardware of our body which we can touch. Whereas kindness, Maya, love, pain are all software of our body which we cannot touch.

In today's time, all the digital devices like mobile, desktop, tab, laptop, oven all have software programs. So let us know what is called software and what are its types.

what is software

Software is a collection of many programs that perform a specific task (Task) of a computer.

All the tasks we do in our computer are done through this software only. Software refers to the set of instructions that are fed in the form of programs, so that they can govern the entire computer system and simultaneously process other hardware components.

These are the commands that drive the hardware. MS-WORD in which we do some type. Photoshop in which we edit photos. Chrome which accesses the Internet, which is also called Browser.

Examples of software are Google Chrome, Photoshop, MS-WORD, VLC Player, UC Browser etc.

definition of software

Software or what is also called computer software is actually some program that enables the user to perform some specific tasks. It actually directs the computer system or its peripheral devices to do some work and also tells how to do that work.

In fact, a software plays a very big and main role between a user and computer hardware. Without software, in existence, a user cannot do any kind of work on the computer even if he wants.

Who Makes Software?

Software is mainly made by software developers. The company in which these software developers work is called software product development company. Here the software is designed according to the needs of the user.

Why can't we see or touch the softwares?

We can neither see the softwares with our eyes nor touch it with our hands. This is because it has no physical existence. It is a virtual object that can only be understood.

We can never run our computer and mobile without software application.

Software Definition

The collection of instructions or programs is called software, these programs make the computer usable by the users.

Like Operating System, firstly Android OS (Operating System) software is installed in Mobile/Computer, only then you use it. Now the question comes, what are these programs and instructions. It is very important for you to have knowledge of Programming Language first.

What is Programming Language?

Talking about programming language, then it is a language or language by which computer software and applications are made. There are many Keywords, Functions and Rules in it. Through these rules, we write such programs, programs which the computer understands and performs some directed tasks.

Or it can also be said that software is made by using Programming Language.

For example, C, C ++, JAVA, PHP, MySQL, .NET, COBOL and FOXPRO are all the names of a programming language.

All the applications you are seeing in the Play store and all the software in the Internet are developed by these Programming Languages. We write programs from them.

What are Programs and Instruction?

A program is formed by mixing many instructions. Programming language is used to write all these programs. Perhaps you must have read in your college that “Write a Program to Check whether the Number is Prime or Not”. This is an example of a program.

You must have seen in computers that there is a calculator. In which you can do Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Now here Calculator is a software, whereas there are separate programs for Addition, separate programs for Subtraction, similar programs are written for Multiplication and Division. When these four programs are combined in one place, then a big program is formed, which is called software.

Who is Instruction?

There is a code of 4 to 5 lines in a program. Which does a small job of a software. Which is called instruction. Each line in the instruction is called a command. Now let's learn how many types of software are there.

Who is Programmer?

Programmers are called those who write programs. At the same time, they have programming skills. Which they use according to the need.

A software company hires many programmers. who work for them. The programmer gets a small part of a software and works on it for about 6 months or 1 year. The company deals in crores to make software. Some part of which programmers get as salary.

What is the difference between system software and application software?

System software is software that acts as an interface between the application software and the system. Whereas application software is software that works according to the request of the user. It runs on a platform that is provided by the system software.
